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10 Years In The Biz

This September I celebrated ten years in the adult industry!

Okay, so I dipped in mid 2015 through to early 2017, but c'mon - humour me. (It's always the best approach)

For your viewing delight here are a few pictures from way back in 2013. Not much has changed...

yeah right! Interestingly enough (for me) my thighs are a little smaller these days, and of course my tattoos have changed. I was tattooed in various places back then too, although the Paradise pictures were airbrushed (not my call). They were all shitty tats anyway (I love Led Zeppelin, but I should've just got the t-shirt)

My hair was also thicker, as I'd only just recently been diagnosed with lupus the year prior.

The Paradise Club, under the stewardship of Phiona, was the perfect place to learn the ins and outs of the adult industry. Some of my colleagues there became lifelong friends.

In 2014 I moonlit at Il-Bordello for a few months before finding myself at The Kensington. The good ol' K. With day shifts available - hallelujah! I found I much preferred the brothel approach where I could interact with any potential client right off the bat, whether it be in the smoking area or on the tatty leather sofa. I remember the buckets we'd put out whenever it rained, and the time a certain former owner walked in - you could cut the tension with a knife! (If you know, you know).

I took a break from the industry in 2015, and then in early 2017 I came back independently

under the name you now know me as, Gemma Rose. And the rest is history! Emotional and financial rollercoasters abound, but I regret nothing.

2013, Paradise Club

2014, Paradise (we had a photo shoot in my backyard)

In addition to my GFE services, I also did mistressing at Paradise under another name

2014, The K


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